Jul 22, 2021

Are you marketing your dealership on social media but still not getting the desired results? Maybe you’re just not using the right strategies. With so many social media marketing strategies out there, it can be challenging to stay abreast of the latest trends.

Most auto dealerships are realizing the significance of social media marketing and having a digital presence. Gone are the days when word of mouth was enough to establish a reputation; modern automated car dealerships use a unified marketing approach where digital and traditional marketing platforms work in tandem.

The car buying process is changing; a car dealership’s marketing strategy needs to evolve with it. Many auto dealerships are putting more and more time and money into social media marketing, but they are also making a few mistakes along the way; mistakes that MUST be avoided for success.

This blog post discusses three of these common mistakes car dealerships make in their social media marketing strategies.

You may also want to consult Singlethread which offers a seamless and unified communication system for car dealerships. We serve clients in Nashville and several other locations across Nashville, Texas, and Georgia.

1. Not Paying Attention to What Your Customers Want

The car buying process has changed. Customers now buy cars online and research vehicles before going to a dealership, meaning that car dealerships need to build their brands where customers spend the most time: on social media.

Auto-generated content is often poorly received by consumers because it doesn’t feel authentic or genuine enough to trust the information being presented. Producing quality, original posts with compelling facts about your car dealership will help you stand out from other dealerships in your area.

2. Not Keeping Track of the Results of Social Media Marketing

Do you know how many people are clicking on your car dealership’s social media posts? How do you track which car dealership’s content is generating the most leads for your car lot? You could be putting all this effort into a marketing channel that isn’t doing anything for you. Instead, figure out if it’s worth it to continue investing time and energy in an individual Facebook post or tweet by tracking its reach and engagement rates. If not, then consider changing what type of content you share with the potential car buyers so they can find their next vehicle with ease!

3. Not Allocating an Adequate Budget

Social media marketing relies on marketing budgets. You need to make sure you’re allocating funds for each social media channel because they will require different investment levels and time spent to succeed.

If you don’t have a budget set from day one, you won’t effectively plan your social media marketing. Figuring out what success looks like is vital before diving headfirst into any car dealership marketing strategy.

At Singlethread, we help car dealerships in Nashville, TN, automate their processes using our sophisticated communication platform. We ensure your dealership stays in touch with your customers’ needs by contacting them through holistic text messaging and digital connectivity. Get a free live demo from our team right now!