Jun 1, 2022
6 Common Mistakes

No one is perfect, and car dealers are no exception. Even the best dealers can make common communication mistakes that can cost them customers and business.

In this post, Singlethread, serving Atlanta, GA, will take a look at six of the most common communication mistakes dealers make, and we’ll offer some helpful tips on how to avoid them. Read on to learn more!

Mistake # 1: Focusing on Talking:

One common communication mistake that dealers make is talking too much. Customers often come into the dealership with specific questions or concerns, and they don’t want to be bombarded with a sales pitch.

How to Avoid it:

Instead of talking to the customer, try to listen to what they’re saying and answer their questions directly. That will show them that you’re interested in helping them and not just trying to sell them a car.

You could also give all details to your customers using engaging dealership text messages instead of telling them everything verbally.

Mistake # 2: Interrupting:

Another mistake dealers sometimes make is interrupting the customer while they’re speaking. That can be frustrating for the customer and makes it difficult to have a productive conversation.

How to Avoid it:

Try to let your customer finish their thought before you jump in. It will show the customer that you’re listening and respecting what they say.

Mistake # 3: Not Asking Questions:

Asking questions is a great approach to better understanding your customers’ needs and desires. By listening, you can find out what they want from their product or service; this will help you suggest something that suits them perfectly!

But if you don’t ask any questions, you’re not going to get that information.

How to Avoid it:

Make sure to ask your customers questions about themselves and their needs. That will help you better understand what they’re looking for and how you can help them.

Mistake # 4: Not Being Assertive Enough:

If you’re too passive in your communication, you may come across as uninterested or unenthused. That can turn off customers, who may then take their business elsewhere.

How to Avoid it:

Be assertive without being aggressive. Show that you’re interested in what your customers have to say and excited to help them find the perfect car.

Mistake # 5: Using Too Much Jargon:

Jargon is any language specific to a certain trade, profession, or group. It can be helpful in some situations but using too much of it can make you sound like you’re trying to impress or intimidate the other person.

How to Avoid it:

Keep your language simple and easy to understand. If you need to use jargon, make sure to explain it.

Mistake # 6: Being Vague:

When car dealers are vague, they’re usually trying to avoid giving a direct answer to a question. That can be frustrating for customers who want to know if you have the car they’re looking for or not.

How to Avoid it:

Be clear and concise in your communication. If you don’t have the car they’re looking for, let them know.

It’s easy to make a blunder when trying to communicate with customers, but it’s even easier to avoid those mistakes by following some simple tips.

Using the Singlethread automatic text messaging system, you can ensure that your messages are error-free and on-brand. Get a free live demo today and see how our platform can help take your dealership communications to the next level.