Jul 2, 2021

Today, more and more organizations are adopting chat as an acceptable medium for professional communication, both internal and external, and car dealerships are no exception. However, since most people use chat for personal and casual communication and email for business communication, they are unaware of what mannerisms are acceptable and what aren’t while using chat for work. To avoid miscommunication, disrespect, or any other problem, you should at least get to know the basics.

This blog post will cover some chat etiquettes that all employees should follow while chatting with others within their organization.

Select a Screen Name and Avatar that is Suitable for Work

You may think that your friends will laugh at a silly screen name and goofy avatar, but not everyone out there may feel the same way. Your co-workers might find it unprofessional or offensive, which could lead to them forming the wrong opinion of you.

Professionalism is essential in the workplace, and it’s vital that your digital identity (screen name or avatar) reflects this. It may be tempting to use a superhero screen name or something like ‘partygirl401’ with a funny GIF or anime character, but while these may be fine for personal accounts, they are not even remotely appropriate for work. Using initials or your first name only is not enough. We recommend using your full name instead, along with your CV photo.

Start Every Conversation with a Greeting

While using group chat and IM at work may remind you of chatting with friends, it’s essential to know the difference between your workplace interactions and personal conversations to not come off as rude or unprofessional in any way. Always introduce yourself first if talking to someone for the first time before addressing an issue without coming across as too abrupt. Try something like: “Hello/Hi. This is Jane Doe from the IT department”.

Be Clear and Concise

You can be short and sweet with your messages on instant messaging, but please stay professional! For this type of communication, remember KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid). Always make sure that what you say is clear, specific, and concise so as not to take over the entire discussion unless you’re a boss who needs everyone’s attention on something important right away – no matter how bad things seem now, they will get better if we all work together! When you need to have a lengthy conversation about something, it’s best to email or call instead of having a chat in person, but when there are other factors at stake, set up an in-person meeting with the person involved.

Don’t Message When You’re Upset

It’s important to try and cool off and avoid sending angry messages that you will regret later. If you don’t, your messages may be misinterpreted or considered inappropriate.

You don’t want to risk your relationships with co-workers or damage your reputation by sending out anything you wouldn’t say aloud. Don’t type in ALL CAPS because it will give off the impression of shouting and is not professional in any environment. Also, avoid sending too many exclamation marks.

Be Patient While Waiting for a Response

You need to give people time to respond to your messages. Everyone, including you, has busy schedules, so if someone is really committed and doing their job well for that company, just assume that the delay is because they are busy completing an urgent assignment.

Also, never send a ton of messages to get someone’s attention; it is rude and annoying, not to mention unprofessional!

Respect Status Availability Settings

You should avoid messaging someone who has a “busy” or “away” status. Wait for a more appropriate time to message that person, and don’t interrupt them when they are swamped with work-related tasks as it could negatively affect their productivity.

Always Be Polite

Be mindful of how you phrase every message sent to a co-worker, no matter the channel. You should always be polite when communicating with your peers at work because it helps establish professionalism in your workplace while also showing respect for others around you. Never send rude messages as it will affect your reputation, causing all your hard work to go down the drain.

Use Proper Grammar

When you’re chatting with your friends, you don’t have to worry about grammar and spelling. However, when using chat in the workplace, proper grammar is of great importance. To avoid mistakes in communication for yourself and others around you, take some time to ensure everything has been double-checked before sending out any messages to co-workers or bosses alike!

One of the most critical factors when communicating in a professional environment is your tone. Remember to keep it neutral and professional, and avoid using abbreviations or slang. Also, avoid using emoticons; an occasional ‘Thumbs up’ or ‘Smiley’ can work, but a horde can be unprofessional and off-putting.

We hope you enjoyed this chat etiquette blog post and found it helpful!

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