Jan 15, 2021

The automotive sector has always been, on the one hand, a sector particularly subject to the personal tastes of the buyer, on the other, conditioned by factors such as safety, style, options, consumption, costs, and financing that influence the purchase decision.

And over time, this sector has been experiencing significant changes and evolutions, both from the manufacturers and buyers. Hence, to keep up with the advancements and ensure increased sales and streamlined communication procedures, many automotive dealers invest in dealership management systems.

Being an automotive dealer, you might have also experienced a decrease in sales, angry consumers, mismanaged repair orders, and so on. As alarming as it may sound, you don’t have to worry about them anymore because Singlethread brings one of the most premium and effective dealership management solutions for all residing in Nashville, TN at economical rates.

Click here to hire us today and strengthen your relationship with your consumers and increase revenues by double in no time!

Following are the top four facilities that Singlethread provides to make dealership management easier for you!

1. Text Messaging Feature

Don’t let your service consumers waiting for their vehicles to be handed over to them after repairing and maintenance services.

Use Singlethread‘s dealership management system, which provides a customer service messaging feature to notify the consumers about the repair and maintenance update at every stage. It also allows you to provide them an estimated time to pick up their vehicle when ready.

2. Mobile Payment Option

Not all consumers who visit your dealership will carry cash to pay for the vehicle or its maintenance service.

Here, the Singlethread‘s app comes in handy to collect payments from the buyers and service consumers without having them wait for the cashier.

3. Automated Customer Follow-Up

If you are experiencing a decrease in sales or fewer repair/maintenance orders, it might be due to the communication gap between the customer and the seller.

With Singlethread‘s automated customer follow-up system, you can easily track your customers to remind them about the latest deals and service offers. Please note that the entire follow-up process will be completed in real-time, hence, allowing you to schedule meetings without any hassle.

4. Team Chat Feature

Whether it is the dealership workers or customers visiting your franchise, all need to be on the same page. Otherwise, this may negatively affect customer experience, which in return, results in a decrease in revenues.

So, by using Singlethread‘s team chat feature, you can keep both workers and customers in the loop and ensure there is no communication gap among them.

The list doesn’t end here. We have an automated reporting system, which reports monthly, weekly, depending on your choice, about your department’s performance. There is also an automated decline service messaging system to manage your repair orders efficiently.

Want to know more? Click here to connect with us today and get a live demo for free!

Singlethread ensures your dealership maintains an excellent relationship with your customers at all times! There’s a reason why automotive dealers in Nashville, TN regard us as one of the best when it comes to improving customer service! Contact us now!