Dec 30, 2020

What’s your New Year’s resolution for 2021?

2020 has been hard for most car dealerships. The pandemic halted economic activity and made it difficult for technicians and customer service departments to facilitate customers safely and hygienically.

Luckily for our clients, Singlethread proved most effective in these uncertain times. And with features like automated customer service and contactless transactions, our client dealerships in Nashville, TN, were able to offer touchless services to their customers (click here to get a free, live demo). 

But even in a pandemic-free world, there’s much that you can do to streamline operations in your dealership and boost revenue. In fact, improving internal communication should be a top priority in the coming year. 

In today’s blog, we discuss ways to improve team communication at your dealership and how our platform can help you achieve this goal. 

1. Identify Problem Areas

As the year draws to a close, start by finding the bottlenecks that disrupt the service lifecycle at your establishment. 

See how the sales department, customer service reps, and F&I work together and identify pitfalls. If you notice friction or an unwillingness to work together, these core issues will need to be resolved before you can implement new technology and protocols. 

2. Take A Step Back

Following point #1, moving forward sometimes involves retracing your steps. And a new year is an excellent time to reinforce your company’s mission/vision and to set new goals. 

Everyone on your team should know that their individual success lies in the dealership’s success, which calls for greater collaboration and less competition. Each department should find a way to get along to work towards the growth of the dealership.

3. Consolidate Technology

Finally, technology is meant to streamline communications and not to create a bigger mess! Many dealerships have a DMS and other digital tools, but these hardly serve any genuine communication purpose. 

The idea is to make your tools and programs work together to maximize the communication potential of different teams. For example, you may not be using electronic dispatching in your DMS, which delays communication with technicians, and customers have to wait longer for updates. 

How We Can Help

Singlethread enables internal communication by bringing your service, tech, and parts teams on the same page. Here are some of the features you can leverage for better inter-department communication:

  • Shorten repair cycles with internal notifications in real-time
  • Get internal desktop and push notifications for urgent requests.
  • Use the company live chat feature for team meetings, find available techs, send requests for multiple porters, etc. (the possibilities are endless)
  • Use private chat to discuss difficult customers or other urgent issues.

The best part is that the platform seamlessly integrates with your existing systems. And we also offer free collaboration tools with certain packages. 

So what are you waiting for? Click here to get a live demo and start improving communications at your Nashville, TN, dealership in 2021.