May 3, 2021

Contrary to popular belief, text messaging is not easy. It may seem like you just need to write a text, add contacts and send the message across to the entire database; however, if you want your automotive customers to respond and add to the conversions, you must pay special attention to the messages.

As an auto dealership, your goal should be to stay in regular touch with your customers so that they do not forget about you when opting for vehicle maintenance service in the future. The best way to do so is by sending them maintenance tips every now and then to let them know you care about their vehicle even when they aren’t availing your services. 

When preparing the text messaging template for maintenance tips, consider the following pointers for the best results.

1. (Re)Introduce Yourself

Not all customers have your company’s phone number saved. Even though you may be your area’s best automotive dealer, your average customer will be confused when vehicle maintenance tips from an unknown number pop up in their smartphones.

So, the best approach is to introduce your brand each time you start a new conversation. However, you don’t need to write a paragraph to remind them about your business; a simple [company name] with what you’re offering will suffice.

2. Go Beyond Words

Text messaging customers should not be as simple as composing a text and sending it over. Business messaging allows automotive dealerships to share photos, emojis, links, images, and much more, enabling you to connect with your customers in a friendly way.

SingleThread sets new standards for customer satisfaction. With our premium text messaging tool, you can enjoy back and forth communication with your customers and meet their unique needs with ease. You can share various interactive media, including high-quality images, suggested replies, and more to make it easier and more convincing for the receiver to respond.

3. Include a Call-to-Action

The text of text messaging should interest the client and, at the same time, be laconic. There is no room for air and space like in email newsletters. Discard all extraneous details and simply present the maintenance tips and relate them to your service. Next, describe your offer and why the client needs it.

The information would be irrelevant and may be discarded by the customer without a clear call-to-action. Make sure the text includes everything, including detailed instructions on what the customer should do:

  • You need to call – give the number,
  • Go to the site – leave the site address,
  • Write to you – provide an email.

Just do not use two calls to action in one text message – this can confuse the reader.

4. Make the Customer Feel Special

Nobody is interested in reading a text that only presents vehicle maintenance tips. If you put the effort in customizing the text message and include exclusive promotions, you’re likely to get a response. This makes the customer feel special and encourages them to stay with you, so they don’t miss out on great deals in the future.

Are you ready to pitch in automotive maintenance tips to your customers via text messaging? SingleThread provides an expert text messaging tool to make it easier for you to connect with your customers in Nashville, TN. You can use the tool to send frequent repair and service updates via text messaging and get instant responses. Get a live demo today!