Nov 11, 2021
Bottom Line

The triple bottom line is a concept that focuses on your business’s social, environmental, and financial impact. It’s no secret that many companies are trying to increase their profit margins while also reducing their impact on the environment. SingleThread has created an innovative dealership tool, which will help you do just this!

This blog post discusses how using SingleThread’s tool can benefit your triple bottom line. We’ll discuss how it benefits the social side of things first, then move on to why it helps with environmental sustainability and what it means for your finances as well!

Social Sustainability

SingleThread’s dealership tool will help you to better connect with your employees and customers. As a cloud-based tool, it allows all users to take advantage of any time/anywhere access. This means that if a customer wants to check their dealership reports from home or on vacation in another country, they can do so at ease, knowing that all dealership data is secure and backed up.

SingleThread can also help your dealership become more socially responsible by tracking and understanding customers’ energy usage patterns, which will allow you to offer feedback on ways that customers can save money.

Environmental Sustainability

One of the essential things for any business looking to reduce their impact on the environment is tracking and recording all sorts of data and reducing the amount of paper used for car documentation.

This can be difficult; however, with SingleThread, you’ll have access to a fully integrated platform, which will help your dealership track everything from sales information to supplier information.

You can also feel good knowing that all users are helping to conserve energy with their personal dashboards. This is great for employees and customers alike who are interested in reducing their carbon footprint. 

Financial Sustainability

SingleThread’s dealership tool will help your business save money. You can do this by reducing the time you spend on administrative tasks, allowing employees to be more productive in servicing cars, and ultimately increasing sales volume, resulting in increased revenue!

SingleThread can help you keep track of all the goods and services provided to each customer through their order history reports. This allows you to monitor how much inventory customers are using so they can be restocked as needed without over-ordering supplies, which will save money on warehouse storage.

The Final Word

SingleThread’s dealership tool provides you with all of the necessary features needed to run your business effectively while also benefiting your triple bottom line – profitability, sustainability, and social responsibility.

More than 800+ dealership service teams in Atlanta, GA, and across the US rely on our tool for unified communications and providing their customers with a matchless dealership service experience. Over 58,000+ vehicle owners get timely notifications through the messaging feature powered by SingleThread.

Trust us; you can improve customer experience and retention with our tool and increase profitability like never before. Sign up for a live demo today!