May 2, 2022

The auto dealership business is a hectic one. There are many moving parts, and it can be tough to keep track of everything. That’s where a good BDC (Business Development Center) comes in. An efficient BDC can help you stay organized and on top of your game, ensuring that your dealership runs smoothly and efficiently.

You can get the maximum benefit of your auto dealership BDC with Singlethread – we offer automated text messaging, DMS integration, video & digital vehicle inspection, and much more.

Text Messaging System

At its best, an auto dealership’s text messaging system for customers can provide automated updates that keep the customer informed about their vehicle status at every stage of the repair process. By keeping the customer updated on the status of their vehicle, they can have peace of mind knowing that their vehicle is being repaired promptly. Additionally, if there are any delays in the repair process, the customer will be immediately notified so that they can make alternative arrangements. This system can also help build trust between the customer and the dealership, showing that the dealership is committed to transparency and excellent customer service. Ultimately, an effective text messaging system for auto dealerships can help to keep customers informed and satisfied with the repair process.

DMS Integration

DMS integration is critical for any business that wants to automate its vehicle progress updates. With Singlethread, you can be confident that your DMS integration is both certified and secured. This means that your customer information will be accurately captured and stored and that all customers will be updated without the hassle of voicemail. In addition, Singlethread’s DMS integration is designed to work with various software applications. This means that you can use Singlethread to update your customers regardless of your system. As a result, DMS integration with Singlethread is the best way to keep your customers informed about the status of their vehicles.

Video and Digital Vehicle Inspections

At Singlethread, we understand that your time is valuable. That’s why we offer video and digital vehicle inspections, so you can get the information you need without coming into the shop. Simply send us a video of your vehicle, and one of our certified inspectors will carefully examine it and provide a detailed report. We’ll even send you photos and videos to show you exactly what we’re seeing. And if there’s anything we can do to help, our team is always here to answer your questions.

With Singlethread, you can be confident that you’re getting the best possible service without sacrificing your time.

Looking for a better way to keep in touch with your customers when your auto dealership’s BDC department suffers? Check out Singlethread serving Atlanta, GA! Our messaging platform is designed specifically for auto dealerships so that you can stay connected with your service team and customers without stress.

With Singlethread, you can easily send text and multimedia messages to any number of contacts. Our platform is reliable and easy to use, so you can focus on providing the best possible service to your customers. So why wait? Get your free demo now!