Aug 11, 2022

Inspection forms are an essential part of the quality control process at any auto shop, but did you know that OEM inspection forms are even more important? By performing regular quality checks, you can ensure that every car that comes through your shop is in perfect condition.

Singlethread will examine the importance of digital video inspections to improve your dealership business.

The Importance of Quality Control in the Auto Repair Industry

Auto shops need to perform quality checks on vehicles because it helps ensure that the cars are safe and running correctly. Quality checks can also help identify potential problems before they become serious issues.

Digital video inspections are one of the best ways to conduct quality control in an auto repair shop. They are quick and efficient and provide a detailed look at every aspect of the repair job.

The Types of Quality Checks Performed on Vehicles

Auto shops perform various vehicle quality checks, from simple visual inspections to more complex diagnostic tests. Here are five common types of quality checks that are performed:

1. Visual Inspections

A visual inspection is simply a physical examination of the vehicle. The technician will look for any apparent damage or problems.

2. Test Drives

A test drive allows the technician to get a feel for how the vehicle runs. It can help identify any potential problems.

3. Diagnostic Tests

Diagnostic tests are used to identify specific problems with the vehicle. These tests can be conducted with special equipment that reads codes from the engine computer.

4. OEM Inspection Forms

OEM inspection forms are used to document the condition of the vehicle. Dealerships and manufacturers typically use these forms to improve their business. These forms are checklist items that must be checked on a car. They are usually pretty specific and can vary from OEM to the next. But generally, they’ll cover fluid levels, tire pressure, brakes, suspension, etc.

5. Digital Video Inspections

Digital video inspections are a new type of quality check that is becoming increasingly popular. These inspections use high-definition cameras to examine the vehicle. They allow for a more thorough inspection than traditional methods.

Digital video inspections are more accurate than traditional methods because they allow for a closer vehicle examination. This means that potential problems can be identified sooner. They are also less likely to miss potential problems.

Overall, digital video inspections are a better way to perform vehicle quality checks. Why not use them for quality checks at your facility to improve your dealership business? Your customers will appreciate the extra level of care that you take with their vehicles.

Ending Note

Digital video inspections are valuable to both the customer and auto shop owner. By performing regular quality checks, you can ensure that every car that comes through your shop is in excellent condition. We’d be happy to give you a free live demo if you’re interested in knowing more about how our services can benefit your business. Our team at Singlethread, serving Atlanta, GA, is dedicated to helping our clients improve their dealership business and provide excellent customer service. Thanks for reading!