Dec 24, 2020

When we launched Singlethread a few years ago, the idea was to shorten the vehicle repair cycle at dealerships in Atlanta, GA, so that they can sell more hours per RO. And that was it. 

Yes, our automated customer support platform eliminates unnecessary paperwork and saves the environment, which we consider an added bonus. But with the onset of COVID-19, the benefits of going contactless with Singlethread will become essential for auto dealers. It is as if our services were developed for such a time as this! (click here for a live demo)

In today’s blog, we describe how we can help to make your auto dealership not just safe and hygienic but revolutionize the customer experience with contactless transactions.

A Best Practice For Car Service Centers 

To start, automotive service centers cannot treat contactless technology as an afterthought. In the last couple of years, dealerships across the globe have adopted touch-free solutions to facilitate customers, and they have seen an exponential increase in leads and bookings. 

And why not? 

Customers can get their cars inspected and repaired without having to leave their homes or workplace, and they coordinate directly with the technicians via text, voice, or video messaging from their phones. Payments are also processed likewise, saving both dealerships and their customers time and money (and tonnes of paper). 

That’s why enabling contactless transactions has become an automotive industry best practice. And considering safety and hygiene practices in a post-pandemic world, touchless services will become all the more necessary. 

Send Estimates Easily

Apart from facilitating fast and safe payments, our digital services also help with estimates. You can perform car inspections digitally and provide photo/video estimates to your customers. Customers can see exactly what work is being charged, which reduces friction with the sales department. 

Is It Secure?

While being a faster alternative, contactless transactions are as secure (if not more so) as other payment methods. For one thing, the credit card or device never leaves the customers’ hands. Moreover, contactless payments incorporate chip technology. Customers will also have to enter their PIN, albeit through their phones, which saves time without compromising security. 

When it comes to our automated customer service platform, we implement bank-level encryption to remove potential exposure to threats. We also help you securely integrate new data to your existing merchant, once again saving countless hours in the process.

Boost Customer Satisfaction

Along with dental visits and jury duty, people are most anxious about auto repairs.

And with contactless transactions, you can show your customers that you are sensitive about their needs. You care about their time and safety. Moreover, you will come across as a tech-savvy business. 

In short, with contactless inspections and payments, you will tick all the right boxes with your customers.

Want to learn more about touchless inspections and payments? Read our blog on the benefits of contactless transactions for car dealerships in Atlanta, GA. Or simply click here to receive a live demo.