Mar 6, 2021

Through proper internal communication management, companies share their values, vision, and objectives among their collaborators. Internal communication contributes to ensuring that the staff is aligned with the corporate strategy and that teams are productive enough to achieve strategic objectives.

Many of the problems in organizations are directly related to poor management of internal communication. Not resolving these problems in time – due to lack of knowledge, analysis, adequate tools, or a professional approach – can compromise the organization’s efficiency and may have dire consequences.

Internal communication is key to business success, which is why many companies in Nashville, TN, rely on the services of SingleThread, a company that specializes in both internal and external communication.

Below are a few tell-tale signs that your organization may have communication problems:

1. Disorientation and Difficulties in Aligning Personnel with Corporate Strategy

Ineffective communication results in lack of clarity which hampers business growth and efficiency. Improper communication between collaborators means each one understands things differently, resulting in problems that boil up right at the eleventh hour. This disorientation can also lead to friction between departments as interests start colliding.

2. Lack of Collaboration and Commitment

If your staff does not feel part of the organization, their degree of commitment will be very poor. Quite often, the management invests a lot of time in defining the strategic objectives, but does little in relaying them to other staff members. Absence of an effective communication mechanism further enhances the level of mistrust.

3. Difficulties in the Dissemination of Information

Information critical to smooth operations is not clearly communicated, generating difficulties in operations and loss of productivity.

4. A Culture of Mistrust

Improper communication flows can result in information gaps which are then filled by rumors. The rumors then divert the staff’s attention from important tasks and objectives creating an environment of mistrust.

5. Lack of Protection of Talent

To develop talent and retain key people in the organization, knowledge of their performance is essential. Without deep dynamic information bases, it is challenging to manage this important variable for organizational growth.

6. Demotivation and Loss of Productivity

Suppose your workers feel that they are not informed of what is happening and that their opinions or ideas do not matter. In such a case, they will stop taking interest and passion in what they do, making them unproductive.

7. Deterioration of the Work Environment

If you do not let your staff speak and listen, any action can lead to negativity, secrecy, and rumors. This creates room for inefficiency to creep in. Simple tasks now take a little longer to execute as the management and the staff are not on the same page. Lack of communication between the staff also creates an unhealthy ‘us vs. them’ environment between departments, as no one is willing to accept inefficiency and failure. From there, many other problems in the coordination of actions also arise.

SingleThread has a proven track record in streamlining companies’ communication problems through automation and helping them build a proactive communication strategy with clients. If you are looking to revamping your internal communication strategy, get a free live demo of SingleThread’s services in Nashville, TN now.