Dec 17, 2020

Running a car dealership is essentially a service-based business. This means you should focus your resources on what drives profitability. One of the best ways to increase sales in your dealership is to make your customers feel connected. 

And this is where video vehicle inspections come in. 

Video inspections increase your sales and improve operational efficiencies. And in a post-pandemic world, contactless, automated customer support will become all the more important. 

With Single Thread, your Atlanta, GA dealership’s service department can make customers feel part of the car repair process with video and digital inspections. Click here for a free live demo of our automated customer service platform. 

Continue reading to learn more about how to streamline your customer service with video inspections. 

Connect Customers With Technicians

Without meeting each other in person, customers and auto technicians can connect via video to speed up the repair process. 

Our inspection videos are the easiest way to help customers understand what needs to be done. Car owners can get a walkaround of their vehicle from the comfort of their home and know exactly how much work is required. 

As a result, they feel part of the car repair process, even if they don’t visit the dealership. This will help you connect with customers in a post-pandemic world. 

Ensure Customer Response

Secondly, video inspections speed up communication between the dealership and customers.

Many auto technicians don’t like to fill out service recommendation forms because they know the service writer won’t follow through. So why engage in a time-consuming activity that doesn’t impact your bottom line?

However, with videos, you can bet that the customers will look at the service recommendations and promptly respond.

With our platform, you can send short, 30-60 second videos via text with a 99% chance that customers will see them and acknowledge them with a reply. And if you require an in-depth presentation, you can easily save lengthy videos, large presentations, and uncompressed files with our unlimited storage feature. 

Save Time

Moving on, video vehicle inspections can help you save hundreds of hours every year that are wasted filling up paper documents. With video, the technician can simply turn on the camera on his mobile device and move on. Our app is extremely user-friendly and doesn’t require a learning curve. 

Save Money For Customers

Along with making your dealership more efficient and profitable, videos also save money for customers. By getting regular video updates on their mobile devices, customers don’t have to travel back and forth to the service center, saving time and travel costs.

Reduce Environmental Impact

Finally, video inspections not only increase sales at your dealership in Atlanta, GA, but they also help you to cut back on paper. As a result, you can save money by going paperless and protect the environment in the process. 

While you can find other automated customer service platforms on the market, the benefit of choosing Single Thread is the seamless integration we offer. Click here for a free live demo of our automated customer service platform.