Dec 21, 2021
Delight Customers

Dealership Texting is a not-so-old-not-so-new trend that’s pretty out and about. Digital retailing has seen new highs as dealers have opted for this mechanism. You can grow your bottom line with the help of dealership texting and communication services like SingleThread. If you are a dealership that happens to be located in Nashville, TN, and the surrounding areas, we at SingleThread are happy to help you grow.

This blog post will discuss some strategies you can use to charm your potential clients. Lead conversion has now been made easy.

Quickly Sift Through the Sales Funnel with Your Carefully Planned Texting

Dealerships are pretty busy. Managing existing workflow with a steady stream of newcomers is the secret to success. But, of course, it is not easy. But with digital retail, you can limit the amount of physical exertion, bringing the conversation down to the essence. While communicating with a customer over text, do not beat around the bush and quickly help them through. Provide only necessary details to help you stay in charge of the conversation.

Go Boom With Multimedia – But Not Too Boom

Naturally, people find visual aids while shopping a strong motivator and enabler. Why would you want to buy something you cannot see? Even though this logic does not apply for cars, and customers have to visit for test drives, pictures, videos, and usage of other multimedia during texting helps. Send all sorts of pictures – front, back, inside. You can even take help from your social media marketing team and ask them to send over a pre-made video of how car play works.

This impresses people and hurries them down the sales funnel.

Test Drive Scheduling Via Text – Isn’t That Convenient?

Because they are so swarmed with work, most dealerships make test drive scheduling very inconvenient for people. You fill a small form, sure. But then some may take weeks to get back to you. Why not opt for automated calendaring? You can do that with SingleThread. All your customer would need is to type schedule test drive or something similar, and SingleThead would handle the rest.

You will know when a test drive has been scheduled as soon as it is.

Don’t Get Too Automated Though, People Still Prefer a Human Touch

Customers can get turned off if they receive nothing but automated texts. It would be inconsiderate of you to let your customer talk to a robot the whole time. You need to step in at some point. Most people respond better to a human being than they do to automated texts. The latter is useful, don’t get us wrong, but every customer is different. So, act accordingly.

It’s never too late to upgrade your text game and switch to SingleThread. We offer free demos and even payment options in our app itself. Hit us up and let’s get started today.